Schedule for Workshops, Conferences, Schools, & Visitors for Ta-Lab Members

Ta-Lab weekly schedule
Past Events


03/22-03/26 IAU symposium 360 "Astronomical Polarimetry 2020 - New Era of Multi-Wavelength Polarimetry" @Hiroshima (+online)
09/26-10/01 AAPPS-DPP2021 @Hakata (+online)
10/11-10/15 Guest: Kazuki Tokuda
12/15-12/17 NCTS-Annual Theory Meeting @Taiwan
12/22-12/24 Rironkon Symposium @Kashiwa
12/27-12/29 Star & Planet Formation Seminar @Hakata


09/26-09/30 The 9th East Asia Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM9) @Okinawa
10/03-10/07 From Clouds to Planets II: The Astrochemical Link @Berlin, Germany
12/15-12/18 A half century of millimeter and submillimeter astronomy: Impact on astronomy/astrophysics and the future @Miyakojima, Japan


03/27-03/29 Various Complexity II @Kyoto, Japan
04/10-04/15 Protostars and Planets VII (PP7) @Kyoto
06/26-06/30 The Physics of Star Formation: From Stellar Cores to Galactic Scales @Lyon, France (Schedule TBD)
08/07-08/11 2023 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting @Fukushima, Japan
11/20-11/22 Workshop on Star & Planet Formation #174 Okinawa, Japan@
12/04-12/07 Final Workshop: A Paradigm Shift by a New Integrated Theory of Star Formation @Nagoya, Japan
12/11-12/15 International Conference on Resolving Galaxy Ecosystems Across All Scales @CUHK, Shatin, Hong Kong


01/15-01/25 Turbulence in Astrophysical Environments @KITP, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
01/29-04/10 Guest: Nanda Kumar (U Porto)
03/04-03/08 Max Planck Workshop "From Star to Planet Formation" @Villa Vigoni, Italy
03/04-03/08 Guest: Mehrnoosh Tahani (Stanford)

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